Xwiki 9.11.4 high cpu issue and xwiki slow

Here my piece of code from your snippet to remove all XWiki.Notifications.Code.NotificationFilterPreferenceClass object on all xwiki user

#if ($request.confirm == '1')
  #set($hql = "select obj.name from BaseObject obj where obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers'")
  ## display 10 users
  ## set($results = $xwiki.search($hql, 10, 0))
  #set($results = $xwiki.search($hql))
  #foreach ($User in $results)
    ## * [[$User]]
    ## if you have more than one object on a page, you will have to loop over them and use "$doc.use"
    #set ($targetDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("$User"))
    #set ($result = $targetDoc.removeObjects("$className"))
    #if ($result)
      #set ($discard = $targetDoc.save('Removed all xobjects'))
      * XObjects $className removed on [[$targetDoc]]!
      ## Error: XObjects not removed on [[$targetDoc]] or object missing!


[[**SUPPRESSION** des objets XWiki.Notifications.Code.NotificationFilterPreferenceClass de tous les utilisateurs>>||queryString='confirm=1']]