14.10.16 regressions in release notes page?

I’m looking at issues being fixed for 14.10.17 (I usually click the Fix version/s link, i.e. Loading...) and I see a bunch of issues that are bug, affect version 14.10.6 and labeled regression, such as:

but they do not show up in the 14.10.6 Release Notes page, like I’ve seen in previous releases, e.g., in Release Notes for XWiki 14.10.5 (XWiki.org).
They look like they should be listed there, hope I’m not mistaking :slight_smile:

they do not show up in the 14.10.6 Release Notes page

Took me a while to notice that you wrote 14.10.6 and not 14.10.16 :slight_smile: I do have them in https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/Data/XWiki/14.10.16/, I assume you tried https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/Data/XWiki/14.10.6/.

Ouch! I’m sorry, yes tha’s surely the reason :grimacing: