2 missing strings in Weblate (linked to Syntaxes)


String XWiki Platform/xwiki-platform-rendering-ui — English @ Weblate XWiki.org: Disabled Syntaxes and XWiki Platform/xwiki-platform-rendering-ui — English @ Weblate XWiki.org: The list of markup syntaxes in which pages cannot be … are only available in english (source string) and in russian !?

Please see a screenshot where theses string (like “Disabled Syntaxes”) are used:

tell me if I’m wrong.

I can see Rendering.RenderingConfigClass_disabledSyntaxes on xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-rendering/xwiki-platform-rendering-ui/src/main/resources/Rendering/Translations.xml at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub.

I think you have to “Start new translation” for French in XWiki Platform/xwiki-platform-rendering-ui @ Weblate XWiki.org.

@tmortagne Thanks for your answer.

New translation for french started in Weblate and done, see XWiki Platform/xwiki-platform-rendering-ui — French @ Weblate XWiki.org

I find it strange that on the same screen translation strings are coming from different components which leads to my remark above => on the same screen some strings are translated and some not because they are not “visible” in Weblate.