9.6 - Standard Flavor Not Compatible

I just upgraded from 9.5.1 to 9.6 and I don’t understand this new screen. I have 9.5.1 Standard Flavor installed, but that is not compatible. I know I can click 9.6 Standard Flavor, but that does not make sense to me, so I clicked Check for Updates. Now, it look like it’s doing something here, but what I have no idea.


Well, it just finished and now it says this:


So I guess I choose 9.6 Standard Flavor? I’m going to try it, but this whole process is not intuitive. I’m not even sure what the purpose of changing to “flavors” was anyway. I read the notes when that change was made, but do not understand the purpose.

This looks like a bug to me since the upgrade should be flawless and the DW should upgrade the standard flavor from 9.5.1 to 9.6. @tmortagne should know better though.

Would be great if you could open a bug on jira.xwiki.org though.

Thanks for reporting this!

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Ah, ok, thanks. I thought that was the designed behavior, but that makes more sense. Anway, clicking Install this flavor did work, but I’ll submit the bug report.


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