Access rights to Sub Wiki


I recently created a Sub-Wiki on our XWiki installation.
My problem is that I cant prevent the Users from the global Wiki from accessing the Sub Wiki.

I have checked the following rights in the Administration section of the Sub Wiki:

  • Only local users are available in the wiki
  • Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages, regardless of the page rights
  • Prevent unregistered users from editing pages, regardless of the page rights

I have also unticked alle the rights of the groups from the global Wiki in the “Rights” section.

Yet Users can still find pages of the Sub Wiki when they search for them in the global Wiki and they are also able to access and create pages on the Sub Wiki.

Does anyone know what I did wrong here?

Kind regards

Did you find the switch with ‘Global’, ‘Local’, ‘Both’ users/groups? I did not see that when I started with it.

Yes I did. I took away all the global Users rights but they can still access the Wiki.

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I found the solution to my problem in this Thread:

Strange wiki permissions: all users have admin rights!? - Help / Discuss - XWiki Forum

I had Programming rights activated for a certain group. That actually gave them admin rights and made them able to access the Sub Wiki.

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