Accessibility statement - visibility

Last september we voted on an accessibility statement for XWiki.
In the context of XWIKI-22167: Provide a declaration of accessibility, I looked a bit on how we can make it easily findable for users looking for it.

Right now, users can find it from the list of features, or by searching in our main doc for Accessibility statement (it’s not in the first results when only searching for Accessibility).

It’s better than nothing but IMO we should make it a bit easier to find before considering the issue solved.

I propose to add a link to it in the footer About section. This link should be available on every page of .

I could not find any place where it would make sense to add it on the standard distribution directly. The best one would be on the Help page, but we’d need a new section just for it and it’d still look quite awkward.

IMO it’s okay to just provide it in the doc and not reference it at all in our standard distribution.

Do you agree with adding a link to the XWiki accessibility statement to the footer?
What is your opinion on the inclusion of a link to this statement in every instance?

@Jsd I’d be especially interested to know your opinion on these two questions to provide a correct answer to the issue aforementionned.

Thank you for your interest in this topic! I’m looking forward to your feedback.

Lucas C.

Sounds ok to me.

+1 see also Loading...


Hello, +1 for the link in footer, it’s good to have Accessibility mentioned on each page of the documentation.
To me it could be put under the Projects → XWIKI section, as it’s more related to the product itself than the community?

Agree also to not reference it in the software itself, the Help page redirects quickly on in any case.


I don’t get your point here. is a community documentation written and maintained by the community, administrated by XWiki core committers, about the XWiki software and its ecosystem of extensions. The accessibility statement can be seen as a document about the product. However it is made by the community, validated by the core committers and has some impact on how the community runs.

IMO in the footer it would fit better next to Legal Notice and License which are important but technical documents about the XWiki software (as far as I understand, those docs are mostly aimed at advanced Admins that need safety on the quality of the software they use).

Project->XWiki contains items like Features and Download which are more cattered towards Admins just trying out the product and end users.

Btw, the Projects->XWiki link in the top menu links directly to the list of Features, which contains itself a link to our accessibility statement :slight_smile:

Okay :+1:

Thanks for your feedback!

Lucas C.

IMO in the footer it would fit better next to Legal Notice and License which are important but technical documents

Indeed, it makes more sens to have it in the ABOUT section then!

About is too general IMO to add the Accessibility statement directly in it.

The Accessibility statement is a practice, similar to how we test the software, how we make it performant, how we handle security issues (Security Policy), what environments we support, etc.

So if we put something in the About section, we need a more generic link that itself will link to the various locations. We could link to or if we think it’s too much, we’ll need to create a new document (but if we do, we need to decide what its content should be).