If you remove a user from an AD group, you need to wait for a refresh which takes, in the default configuration, 6 hours. In order to configure this to happen quicker, look at the following configuration in the same xwiki.cfg file:
#-# Time in s after which the list of members in a group is refreshed from LDAP
#-# The default is 21600 (6 hours)
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.groupcache_expiration=21600
thank you very much for the reply.
I will wait untill tomorrow to check if that works…
we are using an old version of ldap extension, as well our wiki…
I can confirm the solution by @acotiuga works, after waiting the period for refresh, the user is denied or accepted the logon based on the AD group membership…
6 hours seem too much if we want to grant access to a new user to use the xwiki, I’ve changed it to 15 minutes, or there is a good reason to keep 6 hours (overload of the tool for shorter periods, for example??)