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I use OIDC. When I logged in as superadmin

I see


How to enable it for other users?

Hi, see (it’s called “advanced user”).

Is there any option to enable it for:

  1. All administrators
  2. For specific groups

or it can be enabled only for individual user?

I have it disabled for OIDC

This depends on the individual knowledge of a user (whether the user is simple or advanced) and it’s a choice made by the user. It’s turned off by default so that users start as simple user. Thus they have a simplified UI and user experience.

Theoretically it could be a good idea to introduce a fallback on the groups a user belongs to but in practice it would be a bit costly and there’s no order about the groups you belong to, so I don’t know how we would handle the case when a groups says that its users are advanced users (like XWikiAdminGroup for ex) and another group says they are simple users (like XWikiAllGroup). An admin user will belong to both groups for example.

What you can do FTM is override this variable defined in xwikivars.vm:

#set ($isAdvancedUser = (($isGuest && $hasAdmin) || $services.user.allProperties.type == 'ADVANCED'))

By editing layoutExtraVars.vm and putting your override.

For ex:

#if ($hasAdmin)
  #set ($isAdvancedUser = true)