Hey guys,
I want to deploy a XWiki Farm with several Subwikis.
It would be cool if i could add the name of the Subwiki to the blue xwiki header on the right of the xwiki logo.
Something like this:
Hey guys,
I want to deploy a XWiki Farm with several Subwikis.
It would be cool if i could add the name of the Subwiki to the blue xwiki header on the right of the xwiki logo.
Something like this:
One idea would be to use an Extension Point (UIXP) like https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/ExtensionPoint/TopMenuLeft
See https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/UIExtension%20Module
with the UIExtension Module I was able to add a button with text.