"Advanced search" documentation in xwiki?


I didn’t found “advanced search” user documentation on xwiki web site.

When a user want to search a specific page containing some words but not others word and/or a number in a range of some number, in his nice xwiki site… Which specific character he can use in search application? We can use some keyword to use AND, OR or () to search a page?

I found these:

  • “some specific sentence”
  • My Page with : characters (to escape “:” character because I suppose “:” is subwiki name or used by solr engine)

Here an example what I’m looking for: https://www.google.com/advanced_search

By the way, I just found this page about solr query syntax: http://www.solrtutorial.com/solr-query-syntax.html and notice these querys working
title:“My page title” AND “My text”
but not:
title:“My page title” AND body:“My tex”

IMO a xwiki page about query syntax could be usefull in xwiki documentation for users (may be there are one?)

Pascal B

Isn’t it there: http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Solr%20Search%20Application#HSearchSyntax ?

ho right, sorry I missed your link: " See the Solr Search Application and the Lucene Search Application for more details." from the user doc :blush:
