After deleting the recommended Antivirus extension there are error messages containing xwiki:Licenses.Code.MissingLicensesUIX

2020-11-05 11:12:08,576 [http://************/xwiki/bin/view/Help/] ERROR o.x.v.i.DefaultVelocityEngine - Left side ($unlicensedSheets.size()) of ‘>’ operation has null value at 36:xwiki:Licenses.Code.MissingLicensesUIX^XWiki.UIExtensionClass[0][line 5, column 61]

These messages come up for every page that is visited. How can I get rid of them? Is there any cleanup routine that I can perform?

this is from XWiki 11.10 LTS running with tomcat 9 and postgresql

Hi, this forum is for and all the extensions on

There’s no such Antivirus of License extensions there. I believe this is coming from the XWiki SAS’s company extension store at Thus you should probably ask them :slight_smile:

You could also report the issue on their issue tracker at Issues · xwikisas/application-licensing · GitHub