The version of xwiki is 8.4.5. I run under tomcat with an apache reverse proxy.
I tried to access the page directly with the http connector of tomcat or with apache but without success. I also configured apache to accept these characters.
If I fly over with the mouse I have this link that appears: xwiki:8080/bin/view/User documentation/Public network for customer/Réseau public pour les clients
If I click on the link I have this url: xwiki:8080/bin/view/User%20documentation/Public%20network%20for%20customer%2FR%C3%A9seau%20public%20pour%20les%20clients
The error of the page not found appears with apache. If I try with the tomcat http connector it will return a blank page.
I just found my mistake, in the documentation we are told to edit the following system property: org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH
It would be necessary to add the =true at the end because for the following system property one puts well the parameter, which led to confusion. I edited the documentation.
I understood my mistake by opening the apache note.
I would like to completely prohibit slashes in page names is it possible?
Not out of the box. XWiki supports all characters in page names. I’m curious: Why would you want to prohibit some characters now that you have the correct setup?