After rename page is not accessible (contains "/")


I renamed a page by adding the character “/”, so the page was no longer accessible. It was still indexed.
I followed this documentation:
This procedure solved my problem to create new pages with the character “/” or "". But the page I renamed is still inaccessible.

The version of xwiki is 8.4.5. I run under tomcat with an apache reverse proxy.
I tried to access the page directly with the http connector of tomcat or with apache but without success. I also configured apache to accept these characters.

Go in the page index to locate your page.

I see my page in the indexer but I can not access, edit or copy.
It always returns “Error: This page does not exist.”

Can you hover over it with the mouse and copy/paste the URL?

If I fly over with the mouse I have this link that appears:
xwiki:8080/bin/view/User documentation/Public network for customer/Réseau public pour les clients

If I click on the link I have this url:

The error of the page not found appears with apache. If I try with the tomcat http connector it will return a blank page.

Sounds good the / is encoded properly with %2F. I assume that’s the slash that was part of your document’s name.

So the issue is not with XWiki it appears. Maybe remove any front end you have to verify you can access it it fine?

BTW I was reading id you do what was suggested there are the end:

Note that if you’re using the Apache web server, you also need to [configure Apache to allow encoded / and ](core - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4).


I just found my mistake, in the documentation we are told to edit the following system property:

It would be necessary to add the =true at the end because for the following system property one puts well the parameter, which led to confusion. I edited the documentation.
I understood my mistake by opening the apache note.

I would like to completely prohibit slashes in page names is it possible?

Your change is not correct unfortunately. You cannot say:

You can configure Tomcat to allow “/”, by setting the following system property:

A system property is … a system property. The value of a system property is another matter and it’s well described just below.

It seems to me you simply didn’t read it fully :slight_smile:

I’ll rewrite it

Done, see

Let me know if it’s better now.

Not out of the box. XWiki supports all characters in page names. I’m curious: Why would you want to prohibit some characters now that you have the correct setup?