Always have only "Home" in the navigation of an empty XS

Hi devs,

Right now, we have 3 top level pages that IMO we should hide in the navigation panel (when show hidden pages is turned on):

  • Crypto
  • Macros
  • RTFrontEnd

I’m proposing to add them to default exclude list in the nav panel config.

I’m also proposing as a general rule that for a clean XS, we always make sure that when hidden pages are turned on, we only display Home by default, and have a functional test for it.



PS: Note that we need to conclude on locations of technical pages in the wiki but that’s another thread…

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So the reason is that Macros, Crypto and RTFrontEnd are missing WebHome pages.

The proposal still stands:

I’m also proposing as a general rule that for a clean XS, we always make sure that when hidden pages are turned on, we only display Home by default, and have a functional test for it.





Addition: Also update to mandate a WebHome page for extensions that create new top level spaces (so that these top level spaces are excluded by default from the Nav Panel).

For Crypto → Loading...

Related: Loading...

We should be able to close it after we apply this thread’s proposal :slight_smile:

+1 thanks

Done for Crypto.WebHomeXWIKI-11879: Missing Crypto.WebHome page · xwiki/xwiki-platform@de7ccf8 · GitHub

For Macros.WebHome, I’m proposing to add it inside xwiki-platform-rendering-ui for now.


Done: XWIKI-22739: Missing Macros.WebHome page · xwiki/xwiki-platform@be30a8b · GitHub