What’s new:
- Fully rewritten network part
- Rewritten graphical part
- Fixed bugs
- Changed package id (incompatible with the old version)
How to use it?
First of all, if you have an old version you will need uninstall it and follow the next instructions:
- Install app
- From Play Store
- From Github release
- From Jenkins release or last Jenkins release (it can be unsafe or unstable)
- Open settings
- Open account settings (or push Add account)
- Type server URL or use standard “
” - Log in or push Create one to start registration procedure and return to this step
- Choose type of synchronization
- Synchronization of all contacts in chosen server
- Synchronization of chosen groups
If you have problems with getting synchronization preview - you still can choose current type of synchronization or push Try again to get preview of the list of contacts.
Unfortunately, not all contacts could be synchronized (some contacts pages are unavailable).
What about feedback?
If you want to leave a feedback - you can create an issue on Jira. Also you can leave a feedback on Play Market (see the link above)