App rename and template list not updated

I have defined an app called “ServiceDefinition” and renamed it “ServiceDefinitionApp,” and now when I create a new page, I see two possible templates with the same name, “ServiceDefintion.”… Can someone help me understand…

Go to “Global Administration > Content > Page Templates” and look at the list of template providers. If you see a template in the Create page step, then there is a template provider that provides it. You probably have two template providers that publish templates with the same name (a leftover from the application rename most probably).

Yes. It is the case. I have two. How to know one to delete?
And second question, Why the name of the template is not the new one of tha App ? ServiceDefintion instead of ServiceDefintionApp (the new name)? Thanks.

I would check the location of those two template providers, and keep the one from the location that matches the renamed application. I would also check if there are other pages left over from the rename on the old application location (where the old template provider still exists).

Hi. Thanks. How to check each points?

For each template provider listed in the “Global Administration > Content > Page Templates” section there is a link that takes you to the wiki page that defines the template provider. When you open the template provider page you can check its breadcrumb or URL to see where it is located, and if it matches the new or the old application name. Moreover, from the breadcrumb you can see the sibling pages, by opening the tree using dropdrop down caret. You may have to enable the display of hidden pages from your user profile, because most of the pages generated by App Within Minutes are hidden because they are technical.