During some tests I found this:
Calling a (test) macro with:
{{onlyTestMacro param1="123" param2="abc" Param1="XYZ"}}Some Content{{/onlyTestMacro}
within the macro
xwiki.context.macro.params.getParameterNames().each {
print "\n##"+" .get('"+it+"') " + xwiki.context.macro.params.get(it) + "##"
.get('Param1') 123
.get('param1') 123
.get('param2') abc
O.k. - I see “Param1” and “param1” (both!) in the list of parameter names.
But why evaluates “Param1” to “123” ?
I think generating the set of names by getParameterNames is missing a “.toLowerCase()”
(A note: Because of my laziness in writing, I did not declare the parameter names as an object “WikiMacroParameterClass”.)