Attachment Handling/Deleting

Hi Guys,

i havent been into the wiki Life for a moment and would like to know, if there have been
any improvements taken place regarding the management of attachments.

I am still struggeling with getting rid of attachments when the editor itself is cleaned.
Is there a way now for xwiki to detect the attachments used in the editor and getting rid
of the unused? Or is there a way to delete ALL attachments at once instead og one by one.

My cleaning process includes pages with 500+ attachments/pictures which would be a pain
in the *** to delete manually to say the least.


hmm…no answer…is this really such a specific request?


There’s no such thing for now but we opened an issue about that, that you can follow: Loading...

There’s no UI option for that (we have an old issue for it: Loading...) now it’s still possible to script it quite easily in velocity. You can find a snippet code to delete a specific attachment there:
Wouldn’t be difficult to tune it for deleting all attachments of a page.