Authentication Method LDAP + LOCAL ( Forgot your username or password? ) disappear


I am successfully configured authentication LDAP with my Active Directory with Synchronized groups. I must keep both authentication method ( Local : for my customers and LDAP for my staff organization ). Authentication worked perfectly for both. But I noticed, on home login page before to authenticate that two following links disappeared ( Forgot your username and Forgot your password ). How do you do to make visible again ?

Thank you very much for your help at this topic



Please give to me advise



Sorry for inconvenience. I found problem. On Global Administration Right PAge, I have uncheck 3 following boxes

  • Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages, regardless of the page or space rights
  • Prevent unregistered users from editing pages, regardless of the page or space rights
  • Require unregistered users to solve a captcha when posting a comment on a page


Glad everything worked out.