First of all, I am sorry if this have been already answered : I tried to search but I may not using the good keywords since I don’t how to call the function I am looking for.
I have currently a XWiki 8.4.5 recently deployed for my IT department and we are using to document all of our procedures.
Since, we have a lot of servers, we are lazy and I want to minimize most of human errors, I would like to have an “auto-fill” function.
This is what I am looking for :
A the beginning of a webpage, a user (reader) is presented several boxes and/or list. For example, the first one will be a free text box asking for the name of the server he want to configure and the second one will be a list of user with admin rights.
When entering a name and selecting a user, all the configuration below will be updated with the entered/selected content
Is that possible to do that ? I tried to look on Velocity scripting but with no success for the moment.
Thank you for your help.