Batch Import 2.6


I’m trying to use Batch Import to import pages and I’m facing a little problem.
All my pages are created as Terminal, and I don’t want it :wink:
Here is my CSV:

Status,vApp,IP,HostName,Tenant,Name,OS,Parent,Space, docName
PoweredOff,Modele,testip2,modele-vm,T1,Modele-VM-Debian-12,Debian GNU/Linux 11 (64-bit),Serveurs.WebHome,Serveurs,Modele-VM-Debian-12.WebHome
PoweredOn,appli,testip,vm1,T1000,vm1,Debian GNU/Linux 10 (64-bit),Serveurs.WebHome,Serveurs,vm1.WebHome

And I matched :
Document name → Name
Document title → Name
Document space → Space
Document parent → Parent

I dont’ know how “Document full name” is calculated in the next step.

Thanks for your Help.
I’m on a xwiki 15.10 with batch import 2.6

Hi @dts77,

You can check this code to see how the document reference is created batchimport/xwiki-batchimport-api/src/main/java/org/xwiki/batchimport/internal/ at master · xwiki-contrib/batchimport · GitHub.

Hope it helps,

Hello @acotiuga,

Thanks for the reply :pray:

I found this at line 435 :
// if there is an explicit space, most probably the intention is to create a non-terminal page, use
// the WebHome name for the document

If I understand well, if I specify a “space”, t’ll use it.
The page is well placed but it still a Terminal page.

Am I the only one ?
Can you test on your side Alex ? (I know I’m abusing of your time)


I just tested and it looks like the BatchImport will only create terminal pages.
You can create a jira ticket on Loading... and then you’ll have to wait until some developer will solve it.

Thanks @acotiuga for this link and your tests.
I’ll create an issue
Have a nice day :fist_right: :fist_left: