Hi Wiki users, i am using xwiki 9:7 and i 've imported datas from an excel file and created a application’s form but when i go to the application home page, i have an error message which indicate “environment prevents data from being loaded”.i use a mysql database. Do you know how to resolve this problem please ?
That’s probably because an error occurs on the server when the live table data is generated. You should check the server logs or open the browser developer tools and look for the Network tab where you can see the actual response to the live table request for data. There must be a stack trace in that response.
Hope this helps,
Hi, thank you for your reply.
I have done it before to post here but i didn’t understand how to resolve this problem.
i have this error in the logs file : ERROR o.x.v.i.DefaultVelocityEngine - Left side ($childNodeIds.size()) of ‘>=’ operation has null value but i didn’t find what it means in internet.
And i looked the network tab in firebug but i didn’t see a stack trace when in copy past the livetable request url in a new tab.(see the url of livetableresult in the joined file xwiki_url.txtxwiki_url.txt (392 Bytes)
But what do you see?
When i put the tabledataresult URL on my navigator, nothing is displayed. In the network tab, a 200 code status is returned (as you can see In the joined file below) and it’s written that this request has no response data available.
If you click on the URL in the developer tools you should be able to see the response headers and body. Is the response body empty? Is the response content type application/json?
Yes, the response body is empty as you can see in the screenshot below. No, the content type is text/plain as you can see in the screenshot below, i don’t understand why.
Strange. Is the live table from the Page Index working. You can access the Page Index from the drawer. Maybe there’s something wrong with the XWiki.LiveTableResults page, or the XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros page. Check the history of these 2 pages to see if the have been modified. You can also edit them using the Wiki editor (if you’re an advanced user) or the WYSIWYG editor, but switching to source, to see if their content looks OK.
Yes, the index page is working but the index tab is empty. I looked In the velocity script and i think the problem is the Xwiki.tableview because it is the only tab that doesn’t work and i have noticed that all pages whom use the livetableresults don’t work. How can i do to re-install the livetableresult page please ?
Here is the velocity script of my application which doesn’t work.
I can’t see the history of the page index.
velocity_script_my_application.txt (1.1 KB)
Have you done this? The solution could be to simply revert these pages to the factory version.
Yes i did this, that’s the reason why i told you i looked In the velocity script, it was in the WYSIWYG editor and the velocity script i sent you comes from the WYSIWYG editor. I unistalled and re installed the App Within Minutes application but i still have the same problem. Even the App Within Minutes livetableresult is empty. If i don’t find any solution, i would have to find an other open source wiki. Here is my App Within Minutes livetableresult page
No, I don’t think you did what I said. Read again what I wrote. I said nothing about App Within Minutes. I mentioned two wiki pages that you should check: XWiki.LiveTableResults and XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros. They have nothing to do with App Within Minutes.
Ok, here is the livetableresultspage, the WYSIWYG editor page is empty, so are the classe and the object.
So it looks like XWiki.LiveTableResults page is missing. Which means it was either deleted (but it’s strange you don’t have it in the Recycle Bin) or it has not been install. How exactly did you install XWiiki 9.7? Did you run the Distribution Wizard http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/DistributionWizard#HCleanInstall ?
You can try to import xwiki-platform-livetable-ui-9.7.xar Index of /releases/org/xwiki/platform/xwiki-platform-livetable-ui/9.7 but my feeling is that you’re missing other pages too.
In general what you should probably do is:
- go to Extensions in the administration
- switch to “Installed extensions”
- search for “Standard Flavor”
- click the arrow next to “Uninstall” and ask for “Compute changes”
You should end up with a diff of what you have between what you should have and you can revert everything you don’t want to keep customized.
Hi thank you for you reply and your patience, you were right . The XWiki.LiveTableResults page was missing and when i installed the xwiki-platform-livetable-ui-9.7.xa it solved the problem.
I have installed the standalone version : https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Download/DownloadVersion/?projectVersion=9.7
Then i had a problem with the execution batchimport from excel. I tried to look in the datas but i didn’t succed to use the datatool for hsqldatabase so i changed the database to mysql.
When i did it all the extensions were missing so i had to install extensions one by one that’s the reason why i missed the livetable application xar.
Hi thank you for you reply. Concerning the extention manager, i have a new issue
I installed xwiki in a new server with mysql database.
When i have installed the administration xar and when i go to the adminToolsPage in the Global Administration with my superadmin account , This error is diplayed and i don’t understand why i have to give myself the right to a page with my superadminaccount. This error occurs each time i installed a new extension and i don’t understand why i didn’t have this error on the other server.
I have an other problem which i don’t understand i put the localisation in french =
and when i go to the extension manager menu, the labels are not displayed correctly and i don’t understand why :
If all you did is importing admin XAR then the bug is actually that you see Extension Manager menu since it leads to wiki pages located in a different XAR. Would be great if you could report it.