Building .war from sources

Hello. I want to build xwiki-platform-11.1.

According to the instructions, I realized that one .war file should appear, which will need to be installed in the tomcat directory.

But when I do mvn clean install, the .war file doesn’t appear in the target folder. Files appear in subprojects, but I don’t understand which one to use.

Hello, so after building the project, the target folder is empty, and all the files are stored in the root folder(from where you’ve run the command)? Or what?

After building the project, the target folder contains the maven-shared-archive-resources and phantomjs folders. But there is no .war file.

The problem still remains.

I tried to build xWiki-platform (11.1 and 13.10.9) with command mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -P distribution

So i have these artifacts

But I need the same file that I can download from the official site. (.war for servlet containers)