Changing on https://xwiki/xwiki/bin/view/Calendar/Translations
has no effect. Always appearing this in web page’s source code:
var dayNamesShort = [‘Lun’,‘Mar’,‘Mié’,‘Jue’,‘Vie’,‘Sab’,‘Dom’]
Locale correctly set to “es”, no multilanguage.
FullCalendar 5.0.1
Full Calendar Macro 2.1.9
Full Calendar Macro - API 2.2.5
ical4j 2.0.2
Mocca Calendar Application 2.7.5
Mocca Calendar API 2.7.5
Into which I think the order of weekdays is wrong.
In one moment, upgradin and downgrading related extensions, I managed to get it functioning correctly, but I didn’t clean the navigator’s cache, and when I did, it stopped working. So I dont know which version of which extension was the correct one.
Well, brute force solution. Downgraded extensions in a aeternal loop (downgrade, clean caché, login, prove) and this combination works:
Mocca Calendar Application 2.7.5
Mocca Calendar API 2.7.5
ical4j 2.0.2
FullCalendar 3.0.0
Full Calendar Macro 2.1.9
Full Calendar Macro - API 2.2
Full Calendar Macro - WebJar 2.2
I dont feel like terminating the investigation, it’s too hard.
Curiosly, the page continues to give the incorrect order of week days: