Can't add any macro after xwiki 13.10.5 installation

Hello, i installed from scratch xwiki 13.10.5 and after imported my xwiki info from older(current) version. Now i can’t add any macro because i have no fields to insert info. Please check image below.


Anybody can help me please?

Thanks in advance,

Hello @ruimartins30,

I can’t reproduce on firefox or chrome on a freshly installed wiki.
Do you know if the problem was present before the import of your wiki info?
Do you reproduce on all browsers (say, chrome and firefox)?
Also, may I ask you to check if the missing fields are present or hidden with css using the browser debugger? If they are hidden with css, identify the culprit selector will help :slight_smile:


Hey Manuel, thanks for quick answer! I already tried on all browsers and i’m having the same issue. Actually i did’nt try add a macro before the import wizard thing.

But in the debugger mode i found this, not sure if it helps but it’s weird.



Indeed, the macro-parameter-field divs are not supposed to be empty.
Now, I’m not yet sure of how to identify why it’s not the case on you instance.

You can try to debug /xwiki/webjars/wiki%3Axwiki/application-ckeditor-webjar/1.61/plugins/xwiki-macro/macroWizard.bundle.min.js but not an easy task.

@mflorea might have an idea?

I have both instalations at the same time, the one i’m working is in quality and i was trying to check the one that we have in production right now.

I checked some differences between quality environment and production in the fields where we need to fill with information. Check images below please.

