I’m assuming this may be an upgrade issue, since I’m trying to upgrade from 10.11.11 to 12.10.3… I’m trying to disable the “like” and “ratings” components on my wiki, and I’ve been able to do so for the ratings in the xwiki social admin.
But I can’t get rid of the “like” button… is there a procedure to turn off the page display of the button?
So actually there’s no single “enable/disable” switch for this feature, but there’s two mechanisms to handle. First you have a configuration in Administration > Social > Like to disable the display of the button for people who don’t have rights to perform Like (see: https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Like%20Application#HAlwaysdisplaylikebutton). As specified this option allows to show or hide the button for people who don’t have the proper right. So if you don’t want any people to see the button, you also have to deny the Like right to anybody in the wiki, the easiest way is probably to forbid Like to the XWikiAll group. (See: https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Like%20Application#HLikeRight).
Could be interesting to have a configuration option to disable the Like feature as we have for Mentions or Message Stream. Feel free to open a jira issue at https://jira.xwiki.org
So apparently I do reproduce the issue for admin users, but I’m able to deactivate it for normal users. I’ll create a bug issue for this, but do create the other issue for the feature switch option.
Sorry looks like I manage to fool myself with our bad Rights management UI: by default any user or group with Programming rights also have the other rights, so you cannot deny a right for them. So basically you cannot disable the Like feature for users with Programming rights right now.