Hey everyone! I am Azzam Uddin third year student of B.tech computer science. I want to contribute as Gsoc 2023 contributer to Xwiki. While going through idea list of xwiki, I found this interesting project and I am looking forward to contribute to ChatGPT Integration project. I also have previously worked with OpenAI Api.
Tell me where to integrate ChatGPT like on home page or tools section.
Hi, welcome to the XWiki community!
See the project description at https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GoogleSummerOfCode/#HChatGPTIntegrationtogenerate2Fupdatepagecontent
I have read all the documentation of chatGPT and openAI api, i also have made a project with openAI api before. You can recommend me for this project for Gsoc 2023.
I want to know about the project in detail , @vmassol could you help me to understand about the project in more detail.
Welcome to xwiki @Azzam1503
the goals can be found on the section that was linked ( ChatGPT Integration to generate/update page content - XWiki )
from what I understand the base goal is for a subject has to be entered into chatgpt (through the xwiki interface) which will then output into XWiki Syntaxes (XWiki.org)
As I am understanding the goal is to add a tool on the page edit section which interfaces the chatgpt and from there the user will be able to search for content and copy it from there.
Am I getting right? @Wardenburg @vmassol
I think that is the general idea, yeah! With the challenge being that the output should be in xwiki syntax and that the chatgpt addon/interface be configurable and should work smoothly.
I’m not a mentor or anything though so surely they’ll be in a better position to aid those in the GSOC programme.