Checking to make sure XWiki works on mobile devices

Hello everyone,

Getting XWiki up and running for a midsize IT company; approx. 50+ customers with somewhere around 200+ IT devices spanned across them that we manage.

Our goal with the wiki is to consolidate info into one wiki from a variety of “stacks” or apps that we are using at the moment. Our goal is to reduce redundancy and data duplication.


I made a poor assumption in the beginning of this process by thinking that the “mobile app” that’s a downloadable extension on the XWiki website would make it easy to connect to our wiki from a mobile device. However after installing it on a Pixel 2 XL Android phone I found it was completely unresponsive/broken/outdated.

I’m currently in the process of accessing the wiki from outside our network (it’s on premise) and seeing how it looks natively in a browser as is. I haven’t quite got their yet and wanted to see first if anyone knows of any apps, XHTML coding, an XWiki product from the XWiki product website, a user I could setup with a specific flavor for accessing by mobile, a flavor that I should use for the whole wiki that works best mobile, or an extension similar to the “mobile app” extension that allows for easy viewing of XWiki on a phone. Anything that can help me access this from a phone and have the formatting look right or at least be functional.

Off-site mobile viewing of the wiki is a deal breaker if I can’t get it working. So asking if anyone has any experience with this? Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this up and running? Could I create an “app in minutes” app that can make this all viewable over a mobile device by modifying the XHTML code for proper formatting? Am I overthinking all of this and does it work fine on a browser?

If anyone can direct me towards anything that could help me get this up and running correctly on a mobile app that would be wonderful. Or if someone could let me know how well it works natively through a browser by phone that too would be great. Editing is not necessary, viewing is most important.

Any/all help is very much appreciated. Ty for your time and have a relaxing weekend.


P.S.: Thank you developers for creating a wonderful wiki. I’ve worked with more than one and this is definitely a well designed wiki that’s easy to work with. Ty!

Please reference this other post I made here -

To get an understanding of how I was able to quickly gain access to XWiki from outside our network. XWiki works perfectly fine as far as I can tell within a mobile browser. It edits the wiki down to be easily viewable but you lose the 2 side panels. You can easily make up for this though by create a menu to access those areas.

XWiki’s formatting is spot on. I was misjudging that because there was an XWiki mobile app that is up on their site that is broken that somehow mobile viewing might have been broken too. This is not the case. XWiki works fine through a mobile browser but there are rational downsizing of the wiki done to fit mobile screens that you’ll want to anticipate.

I’m not quite sure what you are asking.

For what it’s worth, I’m currently running 12.10 and I do access the site through a mobile browser. The themes are mobile responsive and while a tiny mobile device is not the idea platform for editing, it’s more than good enough for viewing the wiki.

For editing, tablets work fine, especially with a bluetooth keyboard.