the children macro is not showing more, when I click on “3 more”.
It is only switching from “3 more” to the last (alphabetic) page, which is in my case “Texturing”. But 2 other pages are not showing.
Can I maybe get an option to show everything on loading the page, instead of getting the only the first 15 pages ? and I don’t need “translations” and “Attachments”.
ok, properly thats the case.
I try to update. v9.4 is currently installed.
The upgrade from xwiki-enterprise-tomcat7-mysql to xwiki-tomcat7-mysql is working, but the distribution wizard is not showing up. The upgrade is not really working. My context-menu to see “Administer Wiki” is not there and “children”-macro not installed. But maybe I do something wrong, because it is my first time, that I have to admin xwiki here.
I’ll try to understand it today and will work it out.
It is strange. I updated to 11.7, but all macros are not working.
“Document Tree Macro” is installed, but it has problems to install “ChildrenMacro”.
During upgrading in the extention manager, it is showing a “not found”, but no errors after finishing the upgrade.
And not only {{children/}} is not working. also other tree-macros, like {{documentTree /}} oder {{wikis /}}
I uninstalled “DocumentTreeMacro” and installed it again, but it is not working.
Hello all,
I’ve been having the same problem. Not all macros failed though, just some and some translations too.
I went into high debug and tried changing JVM and…
I, of course, tried resaving but there was probably a kind of conflict.
I’ve also tried deleting all extensions and reinstalling… nothing.
At the end I’ve exported the content, re-installed (I am running shortURLs that always takes a bit of time to configure), and re-imported the selected bit (the main content, main page, known users, and XWikiPreferences of which I removed the attachments). The bug disappeared.
So at least the data is not broken.
But I am unhappy to have not succeeded in finding the issue.
What’s really cool is that such a harsh re-install looses almost no data (I think I lost a few spammers) and that this works fairly easily.
My earlier install was a debian install, my newer one is not; I will update independently.