Children macro sort mode

Hi team!
I am in migration from 11.10.2 to 14.5 via export/import and catch some problem. On 11.10.2 “children” macro interpret leading special characters in sorting, while 14.5 simple ignore it.
For example if i have children pages with names: name1, name2, _name3
in 11.10.2 “children” shows me them like

while 14.5 it shows me them like

with ignoring leading underscore. I use leading underscore to put page in the top of the children pages list, and I found that sort logic was changed in 14.5 release (maybe earlier).
How can I instruct “children” macro in 14.5 take into account leading underscores?

Or maybe I can use more elegant way to put some children pages at the beginning of the list?

Best regards, Vadim

Hi all!

Children macro based on Document Tree Macro and last seems not have any sorting options, all sorting is hardcoded inside.