suddenly a warning from CKEditor pops directly into the Editor Textarea, that the used CKE Version is not secure.
As far as im aware CKE 4.24.0-lts can not be integrated as it is a paid/commercial lts version.
So how to suppress this warning?
Edit: from the changelog of CKE: Release notes |
" Please note that this release is a part of CKEditor 4 Extended Support Model, only available to customers who decided to acquire the LTS (Long Term Support) version of the editor. All editor versions below 4.24.0-lts can no longer be considered as secure!"
This will disable the warning because it will prevent the editor from checking its own version, but it will not fix the version of the editor in any way.
Just out of curiosity, is there an plan on a timeline to when to decide on the new editor?
I just checked the page you guys made, WOW a lot of new informmation since I last saw that page in in november.
No precise timeline yet. The exploration is being done in the context of Cristal. For the selection, I’d say mid of the year but the implement will take time. Maybe have a first version before the end of the year.
Hello, everyone! Thank you for this post! I see that this topic is considered solved and the solution is to disable the warning. @vmassolpointed out that XWiki is not affected. I was wondering, @vmassol, can you give some more details on why XWiki is not affected? From the GitHub Advisory alone, it’s not clear to me why XWiki wouldn’t be affected. And apparently that’s not the only vulnerability found so far, right? Thanks. I’m just worried about security, it feels weird to simply suppress a security warning without understanding better what is going on.
Hello. We reviewed the 3 advisories and found that XWiki was not affected (we don’t write reviews of our analyses so I can’t provide that to you). Please tell us precisely why you think XWiki could be affected and we could have another look. If your analysis contains security-related content, please send the info to the security mailing list (see, rather than here which is public