Color of tics within the rights-management-section

Dear Community,

I have been customizing a theme and i can´t figure out which value has to be set to see make the ticks in the rights-section visible.

Right now the colors are set to very light grey on white, which is barely visible.

Have you got any hints on where to start?



I doubt you will find a mapping section there. Those tick boxes are images not html check boxes.

If you are familiar with style sheet extension you can make a css rule like this in your wiki:

button.rights-edit > img {
    border: 2px solid red;

I’m not sure if your are bordering other things too. I hope that this css selector is specific enough.

As is currently not running (Error number 4001 in 4: Error while evaluating velocity template view.vm) I can’t provide a link for you.

Regards, Simpel

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@Simpel This was updated in 16.2.0-rc-1 → Loading...

You can check out XWIKI-21597: Make the rights UI use icon themes by Sereza7 · Pull Request #2649 · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub , the style of those icons currently relies on old colortheme colors.
Those colors are tied to the new colortheme colors: @brand-danger and @brand-success which are in the base colors section. From what I recall, the way the old colortheme colors are computed makes it so that you probably need to restart your instance to make sure your changes are taken into account.

If this does not work, you might want to make a stylesheet extension like Simpel advised and add

#usersandgroupstable button.rights-edit.yes {
 color: <yourGreen>

#usersandgroupstable {
 color: <yourRed>

You could also put this custom CSS directly in the Advanced section of your colortheme.
and for how to get these changes in.

Have a great day,
Lucas C.


Seems like brand-danger and brand-success did the job. Thanks a lot.