Configuration of document-tree-macro

I have a wonderful xwiki installation with the latest version 15.9.
On the left side in the navigation panel I enabled the search field for the document tree macro.

Now the search works find, it brings the search results.
When I click on a search result it will find the item in the tree and it will appear in the ‘Selected’ formatting. But it does not load the page. Even if a click again it just refuses to do anything and still the old page is displayed.
Is that the wanted behaviour?
Is it a bug?
Can it be configured somehow?

I’m new to the forum so forgive me if I did not pick up all the communication rules that need to be followed.

Maybe you can share the exact parameters you used on the document tree macros, so that we can try to reproduce.


Sorry for the late reply.

I just tried to do a very simple definition:

{{documentTree finder=“true”/}}

The find will properly display any search results. By clicking a search result the tree is expanded and the link is shown as currently visited link. But I would like a behaviour where the found item in the tree is actually opened/displayed immediately. (We would use that e.g. in Panel.Navigation to have a find field that first expands the tree to the correct location and actually display that page)