Create and insert a table into xwiki database

Hi, I am developing a project in xwiki(and I am using MYSQL 5.7.x)


I have a table in MYSQL(table name is user)
How do I transfer the users on my Xwiki to this table?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

I think it’s never a good idea to add additional tables into a database of an application, let alone something named as generic as users.

Also because everything from the DB is retrieved via hibernate in xwiki you then would need to change things there too.
Can you please describe what you want to achieve, I guess there will be a better way to do this.

For example: I created users in Xwiki(user1,user2,user3 etc…) I want to transfer these users from Xwiki to MySql database?

Do I have a chance?
how can I do it?(java code etc…)

These users are already in a database if you use MySQL for xwiki in one form or another. So what do you want to do with the users in this table? Do you want to export them once or do you want to keep the info in sync?

I want to save on MYSQL database and then i want to use on my xwiki project