Create child page from AWM, can only choose one same type?

See the:

I am doing something wrong, but I cannot understand what :slight_smile:

Regards Falk

I think the reason is because there’s a JavaScript error thrown when the popup is opened and when you select a template. You can check the JavaScript console. The problem seems to be that value is null here , but this code is not new. Would be great if you can report an issue on .


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I reported and fixed . Maybe it fixes your issue also.

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Hi @mflorea

Thanks for the fast turnaround on this!
Sorry that I haven’t answered before :slight_smile:

Is it possible to cherrypick this change from src?
I’m more used with github issues that linkes to the changed code :slight_smile:

Regards Falk

See . You can patch the file locally and then clear the browser cache.

(you need to be logged in in order to see the list of commits in JIRA)

This fixed my problem…