I’m trying to create a form which has a dropdown menu to choose different test cases. The choices, however, should be created dynamically based on the page titles in a space. I tried accomplishing this with html to create the general form and velocity, to create the dynamic choice options of the dropdown menu, using the following code:
<form method="post" action="save/MyForm">
<label for="test_case">Test Case:</label>
<select id="test_case" name="test_case">
<label for="choice">Auswählen:</label>
<select id="choice" name="choice">
#set ($pages = $xwiki.search("space:Tests"))
#foreach ($page in $pages)
#set ($pageTitle = $page.title)
<option value="$pageTitle">$pageTitle</option>
<label for="device_model">Device Model:</label>
<input type="text" id="device_model" name="device_model"><br><br>
<label for="device_version">Device Version:</label>
<input type="text" id="device_version" name="device_version"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
But unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to work (instead of giving me multiple options based on the page titles, it gives me the literal choice “$pageTitle”.
I tried first using velocity, but seeing how this didn’t work, I tried using javaScript instead of velocity to achieve the same thing with the javaScript code but to no avail:
var selectElement = document.getElementById("test_case");
// XWiki API call to get the pages inside the space
query: 'type:Page space:Tests', # I also tried putting type:DOCUMENT, as I read that somewhere online but that also didn't work
callback: function(response) {
var pages = response.results;
for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
var pageTitle = pages[i].title;
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = pageTitle;
option.text = pageTitle;
I’m unfortunately not that experienced when it comes to javaScript and even less experienced when it comes to velocity and I haven’t found anything online that could help me out here, so I was wondering if someone has any tips for me? Preferably I’d like to use velocity here but at this point I don’t care anymore whether it is velocity or JS or any other language, so if someone could help me out here, then I’d really appreciate that!
Thank you!