Creating an App with AppWithinMinutes using a relationship between tables

I am new to XWIKI and trying to use appwithinminutes for developing an app with two tables. One table for inventory, the other for the locations. How can I realize a relationship for using an index to location for any inventory (1 location : n inventories). All documentations I have found explain only very fundamental features with a single table and without any relationships (FAQ, TO DO). Is there a documentation available which explains how to realize more complex relations?

Has nobody realized a simple normalized database (more than one table) with appwithinminutes yet? Isn’t it possible? Does anyone know if this feature is planned? Is this the wrong place for my questions? Can you help me to find the right place for my questions?

Maybe check Master Detail Tutorial (

Dear Vincent,
thank you, for your answer!

Coding like described in the “Master Detail Tutorial” from 2018 is not a possible solution for me, because the xwiki is not hosted by myself, I have user access only and my coding skills are insufficient.
The database feature is not implemented yet (requests are from 2015) in XWIKI AppsWithInMinutes and so I fear it will never happen.

I will use a nocode database like or something similar instead.

This is all that is required (but you need to be granted Scripting or Programming Rights).

Fair enough.

Could you link to an issue? I’m not sure what a “database” feature means. Internally everything is stored in a database, and the XWiki Model already supports a “Database List” xproperty type, see Data Model (


Maybe I have misunderstood the concept. App Within Minute “allows any end user to benefit for free from XWiki’s powerful data management system and easily create collaborative web applications even without a technical/developer background.”
So I thought I can use it on a “no code” basis (like with zenkit or baserow) to create my databases. Maybe XWiki “supports a Database List” - all is a database, isn’t it? But, as user, I can’t select an field of other tables with “Database List”. Maybe only the UI is not implemented for developing databases without coding? In No Code databases I can create a field, which is linked to a field in another of my (selectable) tables. And that´s it: my 1:n relationship is done. The only what I could realize in App Within Minute (without coding) is ONE single table without any relationships to fields in other tables.

AWM is not there to develop databases (whatever this means). It’s there to develop applications, and internally it stores its data inside the XWiki database (see the schema at Database Schema ( This is the same if you define an xclass manually BTW. It’s just that AWM provides a UI that makes it easier to develop “simple” applications. For more complex ones, you need to be more technical.

And yes, right now if you pick a “Database List” field, then you need to fill some advanced extra info, which can be as simple as entering the name of an existing xclass and xproperty (which you can also have created with another AWM app). If you do so then users or your AWM app, will have dynamic data presented to them. For more advanced use cases, it’s possible to directly enter a kind of SQL query (using the HQL syntax).

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 13.16.28

See also Database List ( for more explanations.

Hope it helps

PS: The jira issue related to improving usability of AWM for using a DatabaseList is Loading...

TikiWiki allows the creation of apps like that, including calculated fields, etc, in a much easier, no-code way, than XWiki AppWithinMinutes.

ON THE OTHER HAND, the apps don´t integrate with the pages the way they do in XWiki.

Each “row” of data you create in XWiki apps is a WikiPage.

At TikiWiki, it’s not integrated seamlessly.

Plus their forum is quite dead compared to XWiki, so it’s much more difficult to get answers to any doubts PLUS I was unable to even register at the forum, that requires administrators to approve accounts, but I guess their administrator has died, because my account was not approved after a month, even after I contacted by email a big user there (that created most TikiWiki tutorials on Youtube) and he said he would contact the moderator to approve my account.

So I ended up giving up on TikiWiki, despite their app creation system being much more powerful and easy than XWiki.

But at the end of the day I need a Wiki above all. So if integration between the apps and Wiki is not that good… I prefer XWiki even being 10x more difficult for simple things like populating a dropdown list with rows from another app.

Well, one can dream of APW being upgraded eventually to something more no-code.

From a non programmer’s perspective, it must be really simple, just like having blocks of code for each situation and the system inserting those block codes LMAO (just kidding, it’s probably extremely complicated)

instead of baserow, might I suggest you the open source GRIST?
it’s awesome imho. Has an active forum.

and you can make your documents public (which means people with link can access it), although you might create all sorts of complicated permissions to view or edit data) so the content can be seen INSIDE XWiki in an iFrame.

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[quote=“vmassol, post:5, topic:12913”]

Could you link to an issue? I’m not sure what a “database” feature means.

he said it was 2015… maybe he was refering exactly to the Dynamic Item List Field Jira issue you created in 2015 but is not updated since then?

is this issue really without any update since 2015 or is there some other workaround created in the mean time?

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Ah yes, had forgotten about this one :slight_smile: It’s not related to AWM (it’s more core), so when I searched for open issues for AWM earlier, I didn’t notice it.

I don’t know of any update on this. It’s probably because it’s mostly a usability improvement and that advanced users are able to cope without it, by using database lists. Thus there’s been no important drive to work on it, and no community member has felt the need to work on it either.

To progress, we would need either someone willing to spend time to develop it, or some company willing to sponsor the feature by asking one of the sponsoring companies to develop it (Sponsoring Companies (

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