Hello again!
Apart from things that might be in common from the proposal on XWiki on search improvements, I have some very small separate comments on this Cristal version:
The dark panel
The Filter panel feels very dark in comparison to the rest of the components I’ve seen so far. I understand it will be affected by different themes so we can play on that later, but I thought it’s worth mentioning if this will be the main/default theme of Cristal.
Pagination at the top
While I understand having the pagination at the top would clutter a bit the interface, unfortunately it might be better to still keep it at the top AND at the bottom.
There are times when I’m searching for something and I remember from a previous search that that page is on page 3. In XS, pagination is at the top so I just click 2 times on the next button and there I am. In your version for Cristal, I’d have to scroll till the end of the page to be able to choose the page.
An alternative would be just to load results as the user scrolls and have no concept of pages. If the user is scrolling till the end of the page, he is for sure not happy with results → he wants more.
Another approach
What I had in mind for Cristal’s search was to be somehow more like Confluence’s.
- A pop-up that doesn’t take the user away from his original content or makes them open it in another tab
- Pretty much merge advanced search with quick search
If this was already discussed, and it is not feasible, ignore my comment