CSS best practice: don't hard code font-weights

Good morning!


When discussing @tkrieck 's proposal, I noticed that our CSS codestyle didn’t say to not hardcode values in CSS, but just: don't hard code colors in properties - use ColorTheme variables (use the up to date Flamingo ColoTheme variables). In my opinion, our policy should be a bit larger than that.


A. Replace the CSS best practice on https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/CodeStyle/XhtmlCssCodeStyle/#HCSS

don’t hard code colors in properties - use ColorTheme variables (use the up to date Flamingo ColorTheme variables)

with an updated best practice:

Some properties must not be hardcoded. Instead they must use ColorTheme variables (use the up to date Flamingo ColorTheme variables). Those properties are:

  • Colors
  • Font weights

B. Add three LESS variables to the Flamingo ColorTheme: @font-weight-regular, @font-weight-semibold and @font-weight-bold.


Here’s my +1 for these changes.

Do you agree with this proposal?

Lucas C.

Why LESS variables? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use CSS variables (only) for any new properties we introduce?

+1 for the proposal in general. Thank you!

+1 for the proposal
Also +1 to move from less variables to CSS variables (but that’s another proposal).

For consistency with our current system. All of the other colorTheme variables are LESS. Both types of variables are not transposable unfortunately so I’d rather keep things consistent.

It’s a broader discussion and moving from LESS to CSS variables comes with complications. None of the LESS utility functions work with CSS variables so we’d break a lot of user SSX if we switched without a proper migration or at least keeping a LESS fallback (which would come at a performance cost).

Hey Lucas!

+1 on both the proposal and eventually moving our properties to CSS ones (even if this is not done right now).

One resource that I really liked is Shoelace’s definitions, you can see the typography section starting on line 374.

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