[Current user [xwiki:XWiki.xxxr] doesn't have view rights on document [xwiki:XWiki.TagCloud]]


My XWiki is ver. 9.4

I have a problem with rights for a defined user.

  1. I created a user “developer”.

  2. When I access the wiki with that user, the Tag Cloud panel displays this: “Failed to execute the [include] macro. Cause: [Current user [xwiki:XWiki.developer] doesn’t have view rights on document [xwiki:XWiki.TagCloud]]. Click on this message for details.”


  1. In addition the Navigation panel indefinitely remains on “Loading”.

  2. I set permissions for the “developer” user as max as possible, both in Administer WIki and directly on Tag Cloud and Navigation panels (from Panel List) but the problem remains.

Some help please ?

For this one, please hard refresh your browser cache.

When logged in with user “developer” can you navigate to the XWiki.TagCloud page and verify you can view it.

Done, but “Loading” remains

No, it displays a blank page with “You are not allowed to view this page or perform this action.”

So that’s why :slight_smile: You need to allow your user to view this page by checking your permissions.

Ok, I set the permission on XWiki.TagCloud page and now I can see it, but I don’t seenot the TagCloud panel.
Do I also have to set the permission on the TagCloud panel ?

No you shouldn’t set permission specifically on a page. That’s a maintenance nightmare and it suggests you have wrong permissions in your wiki. For ex the whole XWiki space must have view permissions to all for your wiki to work well.


I reset all the permissions and set again, now I can see the Tag Cloud panel with the “developer” user. Fantastic!

But… the Navigation “Loading…” problem with “developer” remains. I empty the cache and I didn’t set any permission on Navigation panel. I checked on Firefox, Chrome and Edge and I had the same result.



Have you made any modification to this panel? Does it work from some page and not from others?

If you open the browser dev tools, you should see the URL called. Could you find it and open it in your browser to see the results?

See also Need help to set right access with breadcrumb treeview

Good morning,

maybe I resolved the problem.

As you wrote, I retrieved the URL of Navigation, that refers to Document Tree page. I set permissions on it and it displayed “the user doesn’t have permission on Solr Suggestion Macro”. Then I set permissions on Solr Suggestion Macro page and now it works.

Is it possible ?


OK, it seems thi s is the confirmation of the matter.

Thanks everybody for the help.
