Custom Fields on Header and Footer with PDF Template Customization

Hello @all,

i have installed PDF Template Customization and it works perfekt.
I looking for a solution for custom fields on header an footer area.
On original pdffooter.vm there are fileds like this:

$services.localization.render(‘Page’) / - $services.localization.render(‘lastmodifiedby’) $xwiki.getUserName($, false) $services.localization.render(‘lastmodifiedon’) $!xwiki.formatDate($

How can i using fields like Page and page-number or all the other things in the customfiled from PDF Template Customization?

Many thank’s in advanced

I installed this PDF Template Customization and I don´t even know where to access the customization

Please note that the PDF Template Customization works with the old PDF export that was based on Apache FOP. Writing custom PDF template for the new PDF export is documented here.