Custom livedata table component

Good day everyone,

I’m looking to create a table which holds various terms and their description, basically it should exist of two collums:

  1. A collum with the term
  2. A collum with the terms’ description
  • Bonuspoints if it’s possible to link to the terms’ description from other parts of the xwiki

I read that the Live Data Macro allows for inline editing of data and after looking through Component Module ( and setting up a maven according to the Creating XWiki Components ( I find myself unsure how to declare the variables.

I suppose I’d be able to get something close to what I want using appwithinminutes but I’m unsure whether i’d like to make a page for each term, at the same time I find myself wondering if this is the right route to go and I’m not sure the guide is aimed at what I’m trying to achieve.

Does anyone have any hints/tips if this is the way to get a term table?
Perhaps any other documentation on the xwiki modules? (it seems like a way to set up ones’ own api)