Deleted Subwiki -> Unknown Database

hi folks.

we had a wiki with the database “datenschutzwiki”.

After some days i decided to delete the wiki in favor for an new wiki with the database name “datenschutz”.

Now i have errors in the logs, which i cannot solve by restarting or reindexing. I also tried to solve this with deleting the store under ‘data/store/solr/search’, but the error persists.

Any Idea?

'Failed to load rights for user [datenschutzwiki:XWiki.USER] on [datenschutz:Handreichungen & Dokumente.Anlagen-Datenschutz.WebHome].'

(datenschutzwiki: ← Old database | datenschutz: ← new database)

Error - unknown Database.txt (34.6 KB)

EDIT: Let me mention, that I have waited for the index to finish. So, I think, it is not the mentioned problem here: Loading...


EDIT - Seems to work now after

  • Recreated the wiki
  • Waited for indexing
  • Removed from index
  • Deleted the wiki
  • Removed /var/lib/xwiki/data/store/solr
  • Rebooted the server
  • Reindexed all wikis