Thanks @vmassol. I am new to xwiki, and this looks like a really nice way to see the features of the platform.
I am trying to install it, but I am running into a java NoClassDefFoundError for org.xwiki.notifications.NotificationDisplayer. See screenshot for clarity.
I have downloaded and installed the Stand Alone zip version (9.7), and I am running Ubuntu 16.04
In short Blog 9.4 has a problem and I need to release a new version of the Demo Flavor that depends on Blog 9.5 instead of 9.4. Would be great if you could raise a jira issue on Loading... and I’ll fix it ASAP.
Thanks @vmassol. I have created the Jira issue as you have requested. I have also logged one against the Enterprise Flavor which seems to have the same problem.
@paulg Thanks. I’ve now fixed it (hopefully). Could you try again (installing Demo Flavor 1.0.1)? I did this quickly without checking much (I need to travel for business and I didn’t get enough time to perform the usual tests). Thx