Description modifications to macro-showhide

Hello! I’m working on the contrib showhide macro and I need the rights to make the modification. I want to modify the contrib macro description to better differentiate from the pro macros show/hide if and release a new version of the contrib macro that contains the modifications: Update the old XWiki show/hide by ChiuchiuSorin · Pull Request #2 · xwiki-contrib/macro-showhide · GitHub.

Jira issue: Loading...

Hello @ChiuchiuSorin,

As far as I understand, macro-showhide is not part of the XWiki open source project, but maintained by XWiki SAS.
The project lead is Ludovic Dubost according to the readme.
As an XWiki SAS employee, I’ll ping internally so that somebody can look at your request.

Sorry, I missed your mention of GitHub - xwiki-contrib/macro-showhide: Wiki macros implementation for simple show/hide of a content with some animations.
You are missing an issue on Loading..., also I see @MichaelHamann left a comment.

Sorry, I was not sure what the procedure is. I’ll create a jira issue now and add it to the post.

Just some clarifications below :grinning: (to make sure there’s no misunderstanding).

To be precise, it is part of the XWiki open source project. Any contrib project is part of it. I think you meant that it’s not maintained by the XWiki core devs who are working on the XWiki Standard / XWiki product.

Also there’s no concept of company maintaining anything in the XWiki oss project. There are only individuals. They can work for any company they want. You can check the lead and you’ll find it’s an individual, not a company.

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