Did I mess up some upgrades?

Hi all

:sunflower: Congrats to the 15yr anniversary :slight_smile: :+1:

I’m looking into some issues my users are having with XWiki, and I think I messed up some plugins during one of the last upgrades. I’m running 10.11.8 at the moment.

This is what the plugin updater job spits out (there are many more lines like this):

    Dependency [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api-11.0.2] is not compatible with core extension feature [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api/10.11.8] ([org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api/10.11.8])
Resolving extension [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-search-solr-ui/11.0.1] on namespace [Home]
Resolving extension dependency [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-search-ui-11.0.1] on namespace [Home]
Resolving extension dependency [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api-11.0.1] on namespace [Home]
Dependency [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api-11.0.1] is not compatible with core extension feature [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api/10.11.8] ([org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api/10.11.8])
Resolving extension [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-search-solr-ui/11.0] on namespace [Home]
Resolving extension dependency [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-search-ui-11.0] on namespace [Home]
Resolving extension dependency [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api-11.0] on namespace [Home]
Dependency [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api-11.0] is not compatible with core extension feature [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api/10.11.8] ([org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-uiextension-api/10.11.8])
Resolving extension [org.xwiki.contrib:application-tour-ui/1.3.1] on namespace [Home]
Resolving extension dependency [Bootstrap Tour 0.12.0] on namespace [Home]
Resolving extension dependency [App Within Minutes Application 10.11.8] on namespace [Home]

And so on.

Edit: When I go to “Local Extensions”, it offers plenty of downgrade buttons, although 10.11.8 seems to be installed.


How can I tidy this up? Is this due to crap being around in my runtime folder? We keep everything else in the database, I have to say. Would I have to clean up the DB, too?

Any hints welcome!



Local extension are extension which have been downloaded at some point and may or may not be installed anymore (Extension Manager does not delete extension when uninstalling/upgrading). If you want to see installed extension you should switch to “Installed extensions”.

You can use https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Extension%20Tweak if you want to clean some local extensions.

Hi Thomas

Thanks for this. It’s to clean up, but probably not to get rid of the error messages, right? So my initial problem/question is still open.

I installed it and it shows me this list of “uninstalled extensions”:

The following local extensions will be removed:


Isn’t org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-wiki-ui-wiki/10.11.8 a vital part of the show?

I don’t dare to hit “Confirm” :wink:



This is supposed to list extensions which are not installed anywhere. You can take a look at “Installed Extension” if you have a doubt about some that are listed.

I see you have a 11.4 local extension, you sure you have a 10.11.8 instance of XWiki ?

Yeah, pretty sure I’m running 10.11.8:


The Invitation-UI was indeed 11.4, I removed it now (it still appears in the “remove uninstalled extensions” list)

Edit: Guess what the updater comes up with?



Those are subwiki only extensions. Maybe you used to have a subwiki and don’t anymore or maybe you uninstalled the flavor of the subwiki(s) for some reason.

Yes I just noticed it too, the reason is simply that this extension does not have any dependency on platform modules (not a great idea…) making it perfectly valid to upgrade from EM point of view. Would be great if you could report an issue about it being proposed as upgrade.

Wait … when I search for “subwiki” it offers to upgrade the Wiki application to 11.4, saying Version 10.11.8 is installed as dependency.

Messed up?

What if I would install 11.4 now? I mean the war and the xar?

The search return the last version and does not check if it’s compatible or not (would take ages currently). If you click upgrade you will get an error indicating that it’s not compatible with the core extension it’s depending on.

Ok, so maybe this is where I messed up things. Would a complete upgrade to 11.4 make sense at all?

Depends what you want. 10.11.x is still the LTS and will be until next January, the reason to upgrade to stable version is generally to get new features.

I still don’t understand exactly what are the practical issues you are facing. I don’t see major problems in what you described:

  • the flavor tour being 11.4: that’s not your fault and it’s a minor issue. It’s a bug that should be fixed by putting the right dependencies constraints in this module (so that the upgrade is not proposed anymore)
  • the uninstalled wiki flavor in your local repository: either you used the XIP flavor package at some point, you created and removed a subwiki or you uninstalled those specific extensions from a sub wiki for some reason

Well, the only “issue” I’m facing right now is the “is not compatible” message in the update log. I really don’t like stuff like this, especially when I don’t know the reason for it. The system is pretty stable as we speak, so I’ll probably close this one. Thanks a lot Thomas!

The extension updater try to find compatible versions and for that it check each version until it find one that fit so finding this kind of log in it is expected.