I use the free offer of MyXWiki.org for my Wiki, pure for private needs. Could someone say, what the difference is to the professional service of XWiki Cloud you have to pay for, i. e. bronze, 10 € / month, If I would decided to change?
Many thanks
Hi Stefan,
You can see what myxwiki offers on the home page of https://myxwiki.org. Note that it’s only for non profit and associations and that it’s a live test service to develop the xwiki software. No SLA, no uptime, no support except the community one with guaranteed response times, etc. It’s all documented on the home page.
For XWiki Cloud offered by XWiki SAS, see:
Hope it helps
There is also an important difference regarding what you are allowed to do: in myxwiki.org you don’t have programming right so you are not allowed to install JAR extensions (and various XAR extension which required programming rights) or use script languages others than Velocity (like Groovy, Python, etc).
Since I believe Stefan’s question is a question several users may ask themselves, I’ve added a FAQ/comparison table on https://www.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/
Thank you very much indeed.