I searched the web a lot to solve my problem but with no success till now.
My setup:
I am running XWIKI 10.8.1 in a docker container on a Synology NAS. The port inside the Docker Container is 8080, and outside 8090. The wiki runs via a reverse proxy under a subdomain like wiki.mydomain.de. The protocol used is https which is “transfered” to http on port 8090 on the NAS. the http header forwarding seems to work fine… except for the notifications and sharing functionality.
Notifications are shown but if you click on a link, the URL cannot be resolved… and I already know why. The URL looks like this: https://wiki.mydomain.de:80/bin/view/Main/… for what reason ever, doc.getExternalURL() adds “:80” to the domain. So, I looked for possible solutions an found the xwiki.home and xwiki.url.protocol setting. Changing it to xwiki.home=https://wiki.mydomain.de/ (tried http://wiki.mydomain.de also) and xwiki.url.protocol=https solved the problem in the sharing functionality, but the notifications are now not loaded any longer. The loading circle starts to run, but the list with changes is not displayed.
I tried the WIKI administration also and a lot of combinations of settings, it did not help. Would be great if somebody could give me a hint where or what to search for…