An “old” page do not show when performing a search (simple search : 1 word which is in the document “body”). What can be wrong?
Note: I have rebuild Solr index, I’m logged with admin user.
Thanks for your help,
An “old” page do not show when performing a search (simple search : 1 word which is in the document “body”). What can be wrong?
Note: I have rebuild Solr index, I’m logged with admin user.
Thanks for your help,
Just tested on your wiki with Résultats de recherche pour : logiciel - Les tutos de Toto and I get search results.
Can you be more specific and provide an example that doesn’t work?
For instance this page (the same I failed to edit in WYISWYG, see other opened topic), doesn’t appear in any results
http://tutos.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Les_tutos_de_Toto/ModelePageLogitheque for words in its title : logithèque nor modèle.
Indeed, I cannot find this page in the search. I’ve resaved it to see if it would be indexed but it didn’t work.
Maybe @tmortagne or @mflorea have an idea?
Just to let you know, other documents are concerned by this “unsearchable” issue. For instance : http://tutos.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Les_tutos_de_Toto/AdwCleanerOutilParfait do not appear in Solr results either.
Here are other examples: pages “CafeDeLaMarine” or “FireFoxModifierDictionnairePersonnel” can not be found!
As a workaround I have decided to restore the old “database” search but this search is minimalist (no faceting, no page extract nor highlight …) and I didn’t find any help about database search syntax which leads me to use only “one word searches” which is really poor ;-(.
Can someone help: either by finding what’s going wrong with Solr (I give my agreement to export / import my pages on an other server for tests) or by pointing me to the “database search syntax documentation”.
Thanks in advance,
Checking, maybe there is a problem with the Solr synx at init which miss some pages for some reasons or fail to index them.
I just restarted myxwiki.org and Solr did catched quite a lot of missing document which it’s currently indexing. Not idea what happen for them to be missing. It’s probably going to take a long time.
Solr is still indexing … as far as I can see: 197286 pages left.
Indexing seems to be done, would you try to search for the page that was missing ?
A lot of pages are still missing in search results with Solr. To be honest only one more page is now “searchable” among 12 I’ve tried .
Database search is working well and is more accurate (= does not miss any page).
Does someone knows how to search for more than one word with DB search? I’ve tried without success the following search strings:
Thanks for your help,
What I have already done:
I’m now trying to troubleshoot out the “localization” of pages that are not shown in search results.
Some old pages seems to have a default language set to “en” and are only available in this language causing them not to be displayed in search results (my Wiki is “fr” only).
How can I easily identify all pages which are only available in “en”? (ie page without available french translation in a particular Wiki space).
For each of these pages I will set default language to “fr” so they should be displayed in search results.
Thanks again for you help
I have tried to identify pages missing “fr” as default language by performing faceting Solr searches with * as search string reduced to ‘fr’ only and compare results with an all languages search for * too. But this is too manual and I’m not sure it’s an exhaustive way to identify all pages which are missing “fr” as default language.
Is there a way to find all pages which don’t have a particular language (here fr) set as default ?
I’ve tried without success
How to check default language for several pages (either with an advanced search or a livetable display or an other way)?
Thanks for you help,
Try with
doclocale:"" -locale:fr -locale:""
or you can use the https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Query+Module to retrieve the list of pages that have doc.defaultLanguage <> 'fr'
Many thanks for these tips … I will try them as soon as myxwiki.org will be up and running.
Hope it will finally solve my search issue (I will let you know here ).