Does it have Horizontal scaling built in

Does xwiki installation scale horizontally. If I use xwiki for a large user base where I get millions of wiki pages, would it scale. If yes where can I find the documentation.


Yes it should scale fine. DBs can scale. We don’t have any issue with scaling with pages. We do have some issues scaling when there are too many xobjects per pages which is why we recommend creating lots of pages rather than lots of xobjects per page (xobjects are loaded when the doc is loaded).

See for some info.

Do you have any specific question?


If you’re curious you can see all open issues marked as “performance”.

I wanted to know if there is a sharded database at the backend and if the application server is written to query in sharded way. Also, if one application server crashes do we loose all session data or I can run multiple application server and put behind load balancer while all the session is in sync.

Yes there is. See

See clustering:

Note that if by sessions you mean the actual HTTP session then XWiki does not do anything about this but there is usually enough information in the cookie to automatically authenticate the user so the switch from one cluster member to another should not be noticeable in most use cases.

That being said you can probably find an application server which takes care of that (since dealing with HTTP sessions is more application server job that XWiki in practice). I don’t have any experience with this so I can’t really give you any more details.