Embed HTML5 player in XWiki Page

I am currently looking into how to embed HTML5 presentations (created with ActivePresenter) directly into xwiki pages. (attaching, linking, …)
Exporting to mp4, attaching to page and using jwplayer macro is our current solution.

See this link for an example: https://ufile.io/ulc28 , unzip demo.zip and open \HTML5\demo.html
This “Tutorial” consists of multiple files (html, css, js, images …) and folders.

What i tried: uploading the whole directory to our FTP server.
[UPDATE]: Turns out our wiki server can’t reach our ftp server in network, so this actually works:

<iframe src="ftp://user:pass@host/HTML5/demo.html" style="border:1px solid grey;" width="100%" height="600"></iframe>

Is there any other possibilty to directly view this within xwiki?
Our Admins won’t like my appoach.

A screenshot of the player working in xwiki (local jetty demo): Demo_ftp_xwiki

For other ideas many thanks in advance.